George Bailey Memorial Program Disabled Burn Victims Pursuant to Public Act 99-0455 PDF, the George Bailey Memorial Program is created under the Department of Insurance, under which any burn victim who, through no fault of his or her own, has become disabled and has been told by 2 independent physicians that his or her prognosis is that he or she has less than 18 months left to live shall immediately receive the 5 months' pay that he or she would have received for Social Security had there not been a mandatory 5-month waiting period. The person shall receive the same amount that he or she would receive under the Social Security disability insurance program, minus $25. This amount shall be paid in equal payments for 5 months, ending after the end of the 5-month period or upon the applicant's death. Contains other provisions.
Additionally, the enacting statute stipulates any moneys that a person or his or her estate, trust or heirs receive from a settlement for the injury that is the proximate cause of the person's disability under this Act or moneys received from Social Security disability benefits shall be used to repay the George Bailey Memorial Fund. The moneys shall be paid directly to the Department of Insurance for deposit in the Fund after the Department deducts a 20% administrative fee.
Individuals considering making a claim under the George Bailey Memorial Program should complete the application form PDF and return it to the Illinois Department of Insurance, Life Annuities Unit, 320 West Washington Street, Springfield, IL 62767.