Fee Schedule
Fee Type/Name | Amount |
Business Entity |
$250.00/2 yr. |
Car Rental Limited License |
$215.00 (residents) $380.00 (nonresidents) |
Certification/Clearance Letter (per letter) |
$10.00 |
Corporation/Partnership Premium Finance License |
$400.00 |
Course Renewal Fee |
$20.00 |
Education Provider New and Annual Registration Fee |
$1,000.00 |
Employee Leasing Company |
$1,000.00 |
Health Care Purchasing Group |
$200.00 |
Health Care Purchasing Group Sponsor |
$200.00 |
Individual Premium Finance License |
$400.00 |
New Course Certification Fee |
$50.00 |
Non-Resident Producer License |
$380.00/2 yr. |
Nonresident Limited Lines License |
$200.00/2 yr. |
Penalty/Reinstatement Fee (in addition to license fee) |
$215.00/2 yr. (residents) $380.00/2 yr. (nonresidents) |
Pharmacy Benefit Manager |
$500.00/2yr. |
Portable Electronic Limited License |
$500.00 |
Public Adjuster Business Entity |
$250.00/2 yr. |
Public Adjuster License |
$250.00/2 yr. |
Renewal fee for Resident and Non-Residents |
$215.00/2 yr. (residents) $380.00/2 yr. (nonresidents) |
Renewal Fee – Business Entity |
$150.00/2 yr. |
Resident Producer License |
$215.00/2 yr. |
Self-Service Storage Facility Limited License |
$50.00/2 yr. |
Temporary License Fee |
$50.00 |
Third Party Administrator License |
$200.00 |
Third Party Prescription Program |
$50.00 |
Viatical Settlement Broker - Business Entity |
$500.00 |
Viatical Settlement Broker - Producer |
$500.00 |
Illinois Department of Insurance
115 S. LaSalle Street, 13th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 814-2420
Illinois Department of Insurance
320 W. Washington St.
Springfield, IL 62767
(217) 782-4515