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Information Alert: Chicago Office Relocation

Our new Chicago Office location is: 115 S. LaSalle, 13th Floor.


Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Advisory Committee

The Illinois Department of Insurance (IDOI) established the Health Benefits Exchange Advisory Committee (HBEAC) to make recommendations about the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange which is also known as the State-Based Marketplace (SBM).​

The HBEAC is required by Public Act 103-0103 and will include committee members from the fields of health care, health insurance, and consumer advocacy in Illinois.

  • The HBEAC will make recommendations to the Marketplace Director about the operation of the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange.
  • IDOI will present regular reports to the HBEAC about the development and ongoing operations of the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange. 
  • HBEAC Bylaws

To serve on the HBEAC: please completely fill out the online application

To troubleshoot any issues with the online application: contact


To obtain virtual options for joining future HBEAC meetings and receive notifications when new information is posted to the HBEAC website, please fill in your name and email address in the space provided below.
