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Information Alert: Chicago Office Relocation

Our new Chicago Office location is: 115 S. LaSalle, 13th Floor.

News Feed Subscribe to IDOI News - RSS

  Really Simple Syndication (RSS) - a standardized system for the distribution of content from an online publisher to internet users. An RSS works by accessing published web feeds and letting you aggregate and curate the content you subscribe to. As you read each piece of new content, the RSS reader marks that content as read.

Note: If you do not already have one, you will need to select an RSS reader. Some email applications, such as Microsoft, may support RSS feeds. Most browsers including, Internet Explorer, have an RSS Reader or you can add an extension, such as Google Chrome RSS Subscription Extension.

To subscribe to IDOI Press Releases, add this link to the RSS Subscriptions option in your email:

4). The new RSS feed will automatically populate with IDOI Press Releases and/or IDOI Company Bulletins.

For example, if your company uses Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Scroll down to the "RSS Subscriptions" option located in the left margin.
  2. Right click this option, and choose "Add a New RSS Feed".
  3. When the "New RSS Feed" pop up window appears, enter one of the links listed above. If you want to add both links, you will need to repeat the steps.
  4. The new RSS feed will automatically populate with IDOI Press Releases and/or IDOI Company Bulletins.
