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Illinois Department of Insurance Announces ACA Marketplace Enrollment Deadline is Extended to August 15, 2021

Press Release - Thursday, March 25, 2021

Chicago - Eligible Illinoisans now have more time to sign up for ACA Health Insurance Marketplace plans.  President Biden has extended the deadline for the Special Enrollment Period in Response to COVID-19 from May 15th to August 15th

According to the most recent federal CMS numbers, more than 5,300 Illinois consumers purchased and enrolled in health plans since February when President Biden signed an executive order to open the ACA Marketplace for the Special Enrollment Period. Unlike other SEPs, consumers are not required to provide proof of a qualifying life event, such as getting married, having a baby, or losing job-based coverage to enroll.

"We're grateful to President Biden for giving people additional time to find affordable health coverage, and we look forward to the ACA Marketplace enrollment numbers going up." said IDOI Acting Director Dana Popish Severinghaus. "Also, under the American Rescue Plan, more Illinoisans may receive help to lower the cost of their monthly insurance premiums."

The American Rescue Plan offers increased savings for many consumers who buy health insurance directly through the ACA Marketplace. Starting April 1, 2021, consumers enrolling in ACA Marketplace coverage through and are eligible to receive increased tax credits to reduce their insurance premiums. An estimated 130,500 uninsured Illinoisans are now eligible.*

IDOI recommends Get Covered Illinois, the state's official health marketplace, for up-to-date information about the Special Enrollment Period and deadline extension. "Get Covered Illinois is a trusted resource for Illinoisans seeking to shop and enroll in an ACA Marketplace plan," said Executive Director Laura Pellikan. "We understand that people may need guidance to find the best health insurance option for their family. So, we encourage consumers to visit to get free enrollment assistance to compare plans and find out if they qualify for financial help."

Get Covered Illinois (GCI), a division of the Illinois Department of Insurance, is the official health marketplace or "exchange" for Illinois consumers to purchase quality, affordable health insurance, facilitated by the federal government through the ACA Marketplace. 

For more information on the 2021 Special Enrollment Period in Response to COVID-19
deadline extension for the ACA Marketplace, visit:

* Fact Sheet: The American Rescue Plan: Reduces Health Care Costs, Expands Access to Insurance Coverage and Addresses Health Care Disparities |

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